Praise the Lord, God is good and He is great! We are happy to add to our precious flock these four ladies who presented themselves for Believers Baptism (following our afternoon service, 01/26/25). The spiritual growth that we have seen in their lives inspire all of us to continue to trust in the Lord and obey His words!
Independent Baptist Missionary to the Philippines (Taguig City) sent by Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brogue, PA
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
A Special Wed. Night Thanksgiving Service
Dear Praying Friends,
We praise God for His good hand of blessing upon us. We thank Him for allowing Pastor Leonardo Salgado and his family to join us on our special Wed. Night Thanksgiving Service. Pastor Salgado challenged us from Eph. 4:17-24 - Put off the old man, renew our minds, and put on the new man. We enjoyed good food, and good times together. The church family participated in a Bible quiz prior to the evening service and many did very good. God is good and He is great!
Psalm 126:3 - "The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad."
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Sunday, Lord's Day, Nov. 24, 2024 Greetings to You
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Up-coming: A Special "Thanksgiving" Mid-week Service
Dear Praying Friends,
That wonderful American tradition of "Thanksgiving" is not recognized here in the Philippines. In fact, unlike other countries, the Philippines does not have a day of thanksgiving. And so, seeing that there is nothing in the Scriptures that prohibit a church from hosting a Thanksgiving celebration, we are conducting a special "Thanksgiving" mid-week service on Wed. night, Nov. 27. We will start our celebration with dinner and games at 5PM. Then, the evening service will start at 7PM. We invited a special guest and friend to be our guest speaker for the evening, and we look forward to being a blessing to him and his family.
Col. 2:6-7 - "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: (v.7) Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."
Part of being a true and good disciple is to develop a thankful heart. And when we think about the mercy and grace of God, we cannot help but be thankful for sending us His Son, the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Please pray that God would use His words and His man to be a blessing to our church family, and our invited friends on that special "Thanksgiving" service.
Serving Him with a thanksgiving,
Bro. Bill
1 Jn. 5:7
Friday, September 27, 2024
Welcome Pastor Bottrell, and Mary and the Hunt Valley Baptist Church Mission Team
Latest Ministry & News:
Sunday, the Lord's Day (Sept. 29, 2024): Sunday School (Children) at 9AM; Sunday School (Teens/Adults) at 10AM; Morning Service at 11AM & Afternoon Service at 1PM.
(Photo above: Pastor Caleb Bottrell, and his wife, Mary) - Guest speaker: Pastor Bottrell will be preaching and teaching God's Holy words in all of the Sunday church services including this coming Wed. night (10/02/24). We are excited to fellowship with the mission team from Hunt Valley Baptist Church, Hunt Valley, MD.
Please pray that their visit would be safe and prosperous. Pray for souls to be saved, and disciples to be made.
Monday, August 19, 2024
A Short Update - Mon. 08/19/24
Dear Praying Friends,
This past week and Sunday was a flurry of travels and preaching opportunities. It is such a blessing to be able to see family and friends in Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. God is good - though there were some minor health issues, our family is doing well and excited to return to the Philippines (on Tues., Aug. 27). We have learned to enjoy every moment and to be thankful to God for each of them that we get to be with so many very special people in our lives. What a privilege and honor it is to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ! I will try to share some relevant photos in our newsletter and blog sometime next week as we near our departure from the USA to our home and ministry work in the Philippines.
Mabuhay! (meaning "to live!"), and to God be the glory,
Bro. Bill
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Mt. Zion Baptist Church Youth Camp 2024
Dear Praying Friends,
We are praising and thanking God for the opportunity for W.T. and Joseph to take part in our sending church's Youth Camp. I was also given the opportunity to preach and teach God's word to the Junior Campers (ages 9 till 12). The photo above are the workers and campers of the Junior Camp. Bro. Barry Webb and his precious wife, Sis. Cheryl ministered to the children (via puppets and ventriloquism). Bro. Webb was the guest speaker for the teens. God is good and many decisions were made for the Lord. I took time to preach and teach on the doctrine of Verbal Inspiration and Preservation and the importance of the King James Bible as God's word in the English language. My heart's prayer is that those who listen would develop a strong conviction that the KJB is the greatest treasure on Earth for the English speaking people, and most especially for these young people, because when testings and trials of life come, if they truly believe in God and His words - they can turn to the Holy Bible and derive the help and hope that they are going to need. What an amazing God we serve!
Bro. Bill