Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some Helpful King James Version Tools

I love the KJB. I believe that it is God's Word for the English speaking people. I would like to suggest some helpful tools that would be a big help to any serious student of the Bible. These are "helps." These are tools. They are there to aid one in the pursuit of words and meanings. The King James Bible having been around for some number of years has a degree of "archaisms." But a little work goes a long way and is absolutely rewarding. So here are my recommendations, and perhaps you have some you would like to share.

1. The Defined King James Bible - Published by Bible For Today. The antiquated words in the KJ are put to bold print with the corresponding definition placed in the footnotes. Excellent idea, I wonder why we don't see more of this. Thank you Bible For Today staff for an excellent tool! For more information click here:

2. The Concise King James Bible Dictionary - Published by Way of Life Literature. A booklet format easily stored inside a Bible Book cover. It not only has KJB words but it also features doctrinal terminologies. An excellent tool, thanks to Dr. David Cloud. For more information click here:

3. Bible Word List and Reading Scheme - A small yet amazing pamphlet published by the Trinitarian Bible Society. It is a tad tricky to maneuver through the TBS website, but you'll get there eventually.

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