Monday, August 19, 2024

A Short Update - Mon. 08/19/24

Dear Praying Friends,

This past week and Sunday was a flurry of travels and preaching opportunities. It is such a blessing to be able to see family and friends in Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. God is good - though there were some minor health issues, our family is doing well and excited to return to the Philippines (on Tues., Aug. 27). We have learned to enjoy every moment and to be thankful to God for each of them that we get to be with so many very special people in our lives. What a privilege and honor it is to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ! I will try to share some relevant photos in our newsletter and blog sometime next week as we near our departure from the USA to our home and ministry work in the Philippines.

Mabuhay! (meaning "to live!"), and to God be the glory,

Bro. Bill

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