Friday, September 27, 2024

Welcome Pastor Bottrell, and Mary and the Hunt Valley Baptist Church Mission Team


Latest Ministry & News:

Sunday, the Lord's Day (Sept. 29, 2024): Sunday School (Children) at 9AM; Sunday School (Teens/Adults) at 10AM; Morning Service at 11AM & Afternoon Service at 1PM.

(Photo above: Pastor Caleb Bottrell, and his wife, Mary) - Guest speaker: Pastor Bottrell will be preaching and teaching God's Holy words in all of the Sunday church services including this coming Wed. night (10/02/24). We are excited to fellowship with the mission team from Hunt Valley Baptist Church, Hunt Valley, MD.

Please pray that their visit would be safe and prosperous. Pray for souls to be saved, and disciples to be made.

Monday, August 19, 2024

A Short Update - Mon. 08/19/24

Dear Praying Friends,

This past week and Sunday was a flurry of travels and preaching opportunities. It is such a blessing to be able to see family and friends in Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. God is good - though there were some minor health issues, our family is doing well and excited to return to the Philippines (on Tues., Aug. 27). We have learned to enjoy every moment and to be thankful to God for each of them that we get to be with so many very special people in our lives. What a privilege and honor it is to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ! I will try to share some relevant photos in our newsletter and blog sometime next week as we near our departure from the USA to our home and ministry work in the Philippines.

Mabuhay! (meaning "to live!"), and to God be the glory,

Bro. Bill

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mt. Zion Baptist Church Youth Camp 2024


Dear Praying Friends,

We are praising and thanking God for the opportunity for W.T. and Joseph to take part in our sending church's Youth Camp. I was also given the opportunity to preach and teach God's word to the Junior Campers (ages 9 till 12). The photo above are the workers and campers of the Junior Camp. Bro. Barry Webb and his precious wife, Sis. Cheryl ministered to the children (via puppets and ventriloquism). Bro. Webb was the guest speaker for the teens. God is good and many decisions were made for the Lord. I took time to preach and teach on the doctrine of Verbal Inspiration and Preservation and the importance of the King James Bible as God's word in the English language. My heart's prayer is that those who listen would develop a strong conviction that the KJB is the greatest treasure on Earth for the English speaking people, and most especially for these young people, because when testings and trials of life come, if they truly believe in God and His words - they can turn to the Holy Bible and derive the help and hope that they are going to need. What an amazing God we serve!


Bro. Bill

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Praise and thanks to God for a safe flight

Dear Praying Friends,

As of 05/31/24 we arrived safely to our sending church's guest room/Prophet's Chamber. And so, we are praising and thanking God for a good flight. I will be in contact with a few churches that we need to get back to and so please pray that it can work out to see them again. We miss all of our supporting churches, pastors, and friends. We are excited to re-connect with family and friends. Pray also for the church workers back home in Tuktukan, Taguig. We are hearing of new guests and visitors who would like to be in attendance of the church services in our absence, and so this will be a great opportunity for them to do ministry work (without us). Pray for us to have good health and for God to bless us as we seek to serve Him in our sending church while and when we are here.


Bro. Bill

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A Good Report on our "Youth Focus" - Day of Special Bible Studies

 Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers. God is so good, and He answered them. There were 27 young people present, and we spent 4 hours on the topic of sin. Three young people testified that they were thankful and that they learned a lot about sin and what it is and how to avoid it and what to do when one commits sin (how to repent and forsake it). Two young ladies raised their hands that they wanted to get saved, and tonight before the regular Wed. night prayer meeting, they came back, and were dealt with individually, and both of them trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. There are many good things that came as a result of this special set of Bible studies. The music was very good. Besides the good congregational singing, some of our young people sang and offered their testimony in music to the Lord. The fellowship was fun, and delightful. The food and snacks were delicious and appreciated. There were some "riff raffs" (of course, and what else can you expect from some rowdy teens) but over all they listened good. We are so thankful for your help in prayers. We are so humbled that God would bless and use us. To God be the glory, great things HE has done! Just pray now that the seed of the word of God that was sown in hearts would bear much fruit (we know it has, it will, and it already has been blessed by God), but there are many others that are still either not saved or have not yet returned to the Lord.

Praise God for sending us His Son - The Sin-bearer! and the sinner's true friend!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Youth Focus - Day of Special Bible Studies

 Dear Friends,

We are taking opportunity with an upcoming holiday this Wed. here in the Philippines, all government offices, schools, etc. will be closed. So, we are opening up our church meeting place to have a special time of Bible studies targeting young people. We are calling it a "Youth Focus." We are inviting young people (most of whom come to our regular Sunday school ministry, and others are free to invite their friends or classmates) to attend a series of Bible studies from 10am to 3pm. It will take place on Wed. April 10 (just a couple of days from now). I would like to ask you to pray that God would bless His word to the hearts of young people. There will be all kinds of people there, some saved, some unsaved but all needing the word of God and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. Please join us in prayers for this wonderful opportunity. Thank you and may Jesus Christ be praised.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Just a short update of blessings from Feb./Mar.

Dear Praying Friends,

As many of you know, my Dad went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024. I am so glad he knew the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Mom asked me to conduct a funeral service for him, the night prior to his burial. Dad served and was honorably discharged after serving many years in the USAF. His military funeral was so excellently done as his brothers at arms and fellow vets bid him farewell. We will surely miss Dad. BUT I know, by the grace of God and because of JESUS, I will see him again, and we will both be worshipping and serving King Jesus for all eternity. The future is bright and the best is yet to come for everyone who repent of sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!

Pastor Chris and Jenny were enabled by God through Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Brogue, PA to visit with us and to bless us with music and preaching for our 7th year anniversary of our missions-work (church plant) in Tuktukan village, Taguig City. God is good and even after the horrible years of lock down due to the pandemic, God has preserved a strong remnant of baptized disciples who love the Lord, love their church assembly, love the word of God (The King James Bible), and love lost souls. 

Pastor Chris and Jenny were also instrumental in hosting our first-ever Shepherd's Retreat in the Philippines (which is what Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brogue, PA does in their area) for Pastor friends, Missionaries, and church leaders. The Lord blessed us with 38 participants (most of which are Pastors and their wives). Glory to God! He used us to be a blessing to some of his choice servants.

Below is a video or our Boy's Sunday School class. I was doing a review/game based upon their Bible lesson for the day. It is a joy to see some of these boys learn and retain some Bible truths. PLEASE pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be understood and received by many of our children, young adults, adults, and seniors (really by all - right?!?). It sure is a blessing to be a part of God's work in trying to reach souls for the Master. From the bottom of our hearts, Marcia, W.T., and Joseph and I thank you for your love, prayers, and support. May God bless you in a manner in which only HE can.

I was also enabled and blessed of God to be able to attend a week-long module seminary at Cornerstone Baptist Ministerial School in Quezon City, Philippines (a ministry under Cornerstone Baptist Church, Quezon City - Pastor Jed Raquintan). Both Dr. Thomas Strouse and Dr. Jed Raquintan taught courses and the fellowship with other men (fellow seminarians) were wonderful. I appreciate the love and hospitality of Cornerstone Baptist Church. May the Biblical truths taught be received and implemented in life and ministry work to the glory of God, the salvation of lost souls, and the discipleship of believers into a Biblical, Baptist church. AMEN!