Our spiritual growth is brought about by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When we got saved, (i.e. justified, born again, or regenerated) we are instantly saved to the uttermost. We are a child of God. You cannot be "more saved" than you presently are. Our Salvation is eternal and perfect. We may not, at certain times behave that way, but in all reality when we got saved, we are indeed saved. Consider these Bible verses: John 5:24; Romans 8:1; 1 John 5:12.
All that the Holy Spirit does in our lives is perfect and cannot be refined. He doesn't produce one level of joy and peace in our lives, and then produces a different kind later, when we "get our act together." We may feel that He is closer to us one day, and farther the next day but based on Scripture we know that He is in us and with us from the point of Salvation and with us in fullness. Consider: John 14:17; Titus 3:5-6. In fact 1 Kings 8:27 declares "heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee..." When you feel as if God is not near, it is most likely due to your sin and/or flesh. It certainly is not because of His omnipresence or immensity. The question is not do you get more of the Holy Spirit but does the Holy Spirit get more of you? Spiritual growth is therefore a question of quantity (how much do I demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22-23 towards myself and towards others, especially in situations where the fleshly response is opposite to the fruit that we ought to bear), rather than quality. You cannot experience fullness of Spiritual growth or maturity in the faith if you are not willing to let the Holy Spirit of God change you. When you consider spiritual growth, remember Philippians 1:6, this is God's work, He is forming Christ-likeness in your very soul. Today is an opportunity to recognize that God is wanting to do a work in you and through you.
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